Judging criteria

1. Viability 25%

The ability of the proposal to maintain itself, recover costs and potentially make a profit or social impact.

Can this idea make money? Is there positive customer growth or revenue? Is there a customer acquisition / rollout strategy? Has a revenue model been defined and is it realistic?

2. Customer Validation 25%

Did the team identify customers? What is the value proposition to customers? What channels of communications are used?

3. Scalability 10%

Business perspective - did the team identify their market? does it have the potential to scale?

Technical perspective - does the team use appropriate technologies / frameworks? Is it simple to set up or get it running?

4. Prototype 30%

Business perspective - does the prototype express well their solution for the problem? Is it original? Would people use it> was it built with the customer in mind? Is it intuitive to use? Is it structured from a user's point of view?

Technical perspective - Does the project meet its goals? does it work properly? How well is it executed? Does it have enough working features? Can it be used by everyone?

5. Pitch 10%

How well was the idea presented? Did the team convince you about how awesome their project is?